upwardly mobile
- adj.步步高升的;走向上层社会的;走向富裕的
派生词: upward mobility n.

The Party has been unable to attract upwardly mobile voters .
The meeting attracted upwardly mobile professional and political women .
Britain is not a truly fluid society ; upwardly mobile .
But these elite members of China 's new class of upwardly mobile are feeling the strain .
Britain 's secondary-school exam results have every reason to be upwardly mobile .
Yet as pensioners tug one way , upwardly mobile young voters pull another .
Hardly anyone had seen a young upwardly mobile professional before , but now they were everywhere .
A young upwardly mobile professional person ; someone under 40 who prospered during the 1980s .
Perkiness is further buoyed by upwardly mobile forecasts for economic growth .
So , soon , will the final adornment of any upwardly mobile city : an ikea .
Tiny Times , the film franchise on the lives of young , upwardly mobile Chinese , is probably the most successful example of the relatively new business .
Look up !; the music surged up ; the fragments flew upwards ; prices soared upwards ; upwardly mobile .
But , in fact , many upwardly mobile Chinese fall somewhere in the middle , chasing personal fulfillment and consumer gratification with equal abandon .
Building restrictions in vibrant cities and their nearby , exclusive suburbs prevent upwardly mobile people from relocating to places that offer the most economic opportunity .
These elements include neo-liberals , neo-conservatives , authoritarian populists , and a particular fraction of the upwardly mobile professional and managerial new middle class .
Its strategy of rolling out its trademark fizzy drink round the world to slake the thirst of upwardly mobile consumers in emerging markets had run out of steam .
Labour has lost the recruits once provided by the smokestack industries and a Conservative membership card no longer bestows social cachet on the upwardly mobile middle classes .
But vocal fry is unique , because researchers have found that women who talk this way are seen by their peers as educated , urban-oriented , and upwardly mobile .
Mr Xu may not fit the western idea of middle class , but in the Chinese context he and 270m migrant workers like him are part of a new category of upwardly mobile consumers .
This is at a time when all indications suggest that upwardly mobile and newly prosperous Chinese have the same powerful urge to own a car as consumers in the United States , Japan and Western Europe .
Even the numbering of the floors was a bit of upwardly mobile sleight of hand , calibrated to enhance the perception of what the developer , the Related Companies , marketed as Five Star Living .
A second career type was linear , in which all job changes were upwardly mobile in the same career path . Each job paid more than the last and had more responsibility , but rarely deviated from the same basic field .
Nokia weathered criticism from investors that it was expending too much effort on high-end smartphones while its rival ate into its lucrative business selling expensive ' dumb ' phones to upwardly mobile people around the world .
The essence of Thatcherism was to oppose the status quo and bet on freedom & odd , since as a prim , upwardly mobile striver , she was in some ways the embodiment of conservatism .
The essence of Thatcherism was to oppose the status quo and bet on freedom - odd , since as a prim , upwardly mobile striver , she was in some ways the embodiment of conservatism .
Even the numbering of the floors was a bit of upwardly mobile sleight of hand , calibrated to enhance the perception of what the developer , the Related Companies , marketed as " Five Star Living . " So , the 80th-floor penthouses are actually on 53 .